Online Systems Setup

Please take a minute to fill in the blanks so I can set you up in the online systems. (I won't be able to chase you down!)

Items marked with an asterisk (*) are required entries. Your membership entitles you to apply these resources to two units. If you only have one, no problem. If you have more than two, let me know and I will contact you to get them set up. Additional units are $35 a month each.

Unit Address could be simple (e.g. Oak Road, Ajax Mall, etc.) -- just enough information so your guests can easily identify which unit they are leaving feedback for.

Choose the UserName and Password you prefer. (no spaces and at least four characters -- letters, numbers, symbols -- in each)

The Master UserName and Password allows you to access the data for all your units. The Introduction and Tutorial will show you how the system works and how to provide selective access to your managers and key staff.

If you have questions about any of this, call Bill at (800) 767-1055 ... and thanks for being part of the new Gold Group.

Systems Setup Information
Additional Units